Team Mashn Sound Design (sample packs)

#TeamMashnSoundDesign #BigFishAudio #loopmasters #akaiexpansion #presonus #MVPLoops #sounds #SpartanAudioGroup #IMPACTXT #ATOM #KeithClizark #ESLBC #Entrepreneurs. #sounddesigner #soundeditors #Constructionkit #samplepacks #loops #musicproducers #BeatMakers #newrelease

Super shout out to all my teammates at @tmsounddesign (Team Mashn Sound Design). It’s been a long year, we’ve overcame many obstacles. I would also like to shout out Spartan Audio Group for this unique opportunity. This is the payoff, we’re placed on every major platform. Phase 1 is complete, now it’s time to turn up and activate Phase 2. Let’s get it!!!

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